Sativa Bliss

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Still others favor outdoor exercise. However, what about people who wish to mix Cannabis use with physical activity? Can such a thing even exist? And yes, it is! In this piece, I’ll go over some workouts that are both enjoyable and productive.

Just what are the upsides of chewing gum when stoned?

Getting stoned and working out has a number of advantages.

It can aid with concentration, for one thing. As an added bonus, cannabis can help you train harder by reducing your perception of discomfort.

If you’re feeling drained, sleepy, or lethargic, Cannabis may be able to help. Last but not least, a little bit of cannabis might put a new spin on your workout routine. It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t enjoy getting high while working out.

Now that we’ve covered the upsides, let’s examine some of the most enjoyable and productive exercises you can do while stoned.

THC-Induced Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise. Cannabis can help to improve your flexibility, balance, and focus, making it the perfect drug to enhance your yoga practice. If you’re new to yoga, there are plenty of beginner-friendly classes that you can take. To avoid injury, take it easy at first and pay attention to your body’s cues.

THC-Induced Swimming

Swimming is a great way to get in some exercise while high. Swimming is a fantastic low-impact full-body workout. If you work up a sweat throughout your workout, jumping in the water might be a welcome relief. Furthermore, being high in the water is a lot of pleasure.

Lifting Weights While Stoned

The benefits of cannabis extend to the gym as well. When lifting weights, focus and concentration are essential skills. A higher pain threshold can also help you lift more weight without experiencing the same level of discomfort. To avoid injury, take it easy at first and pay attention to your body’s cues.

Noteworthy Factors

In case you decide to work out while under the influence of cannabis, there are a few things you should remember. You should ease into it and pay attention to your body at first. You may not have the same amount of endurance while high, so pace yourself. Next, remember to drink plenty of water. If you’re concerned about experiencing negative effects from cannabis, drinking enough of water can help. Last but not least, make sure to complete an appropriate warm-up and cool-down to avoid injury.

Are There Any Downsides?

There are several drawbacks to working out while high on cannabis. It’s ordinary to lose some of your usual stamina if you’ve been sick. It’s possible that you’ll experience more fatigue than usual in the hours following your workout. These negative effects are often minimal and should subside everyday.

The question is, “How can you boost your productivity?”

When working out, it is best to ease into a higher intensity level rather than jumping right in. It’s also crucial to choose a cannabis strain combination that works for you. Sativa may provide more energy, but indica may help with concentration. Find the ideal strain by trial and error.

The Problem: What If You Don’t Use Marijuana Through Smoking?

The positive effects of exercising while high are not limited to people who consume Cannabis. There are currently many CAD-infused medicines available that offer the same therapeutic advantages of cannabis without the high. CBD has been demonstrated to effectively reduce pain, anxiety, and inflammation without intoxicated the user.

Consumption Methods for Marijuana

There are a number of ways to take in Cannabis before engaging in physical activity while under its influence. Smoking or vaporizing flowers is the most popular method, but if you don’t want to smoke, you can all so try using a tincture or taking edibles. If you’re trying to quit smoking, edibles are a viable alternative. If you want to avoid unwanted effects, it’s best to start with a modest dose and gradually increase it.

Choosing the Proper Type of Strain

It’s important to remember that not all varieties of cannabis are equivalent. Select a strain high in CBD and low in THC if you plan to use it before a workout. CBD will aid with pain and inflammation during your workout, while the THC will give you a great surge of energy.

There are numerous types of cannabis on the market at the moment, so you may need to experiment to discover the one that suits your needs best. Assess your response to a low dose before increasing your intake.


Adding cannabis to your fitness program might have several benefits. It can help you concentrate better and deal with pain better, allowing you to train more intensely. For safety’s sake, take it easy at first, drink plenty of water, and do some light stretching to loosen up your muscles.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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