Sativa Bliss

Microdosing cannabis is one of the newest ideas gaining traction among stoners. Microdosing refers to the practice of ingesting a very low dose of cannabis or cannabinoids, or taking the “less is more” approach.

Then, why do some people opt for extremely low doses of cannabis? When compared to a higher dose, do lower doses actually provide any advantages? Is this method helpful, and can you use it yourself? Keep reading and we’ll explain everything you need to know about microdosing and answer all your questions.


The term “microdosing” is not familiar to most people.

Microdosing, which we’ve established as the administration or ingestion of very low doses of a substance, is an established term. Microdosing is the practice of ingesting an extremely low dose of a cannabis product in an effort to achieve a therapeutic effect (typically featuring THC or CBD). Many people find it more convenient to spread out their dosages throughout the day rather than take a single large dose.

If you’re considering microdosing, chances are you’re hoping for a more favorable outcome than you would get from a single, larger dose.


The benefits of low-dose marijuana use

This begs the question, why are so many people curious about microdosing THC, CBD, and marijuana in general?


Exactly what are the upsides of microdosing?

Microdosing may have many advantages, including those listed below.

To begin with, microdosing can serve as an ideal gateway for first-time cannabis users. 

Microdosing is a great way to ease into marijuana use and figure out how much works best for you.

You should take the smallest effective dose to begin with and work your way up to the optimal level. (In other words, it is always best to ease into things.)

Microdosing marijuana is practiced so that the desired effect is felt throughout the day rather than all at once.

Microdosing cannabis is beneficial because it reduces the risk of unpleasant side effects. Many people prefer to use a very small amount of cannabis in order to reap the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids without experiencing the mind-altering effects of the drug.

Sometimes smaller amounts work better than larger ones. Some studies on the effects of marijuana on people suffering from anxiety have shown that the drug can have contrasting effects depending on the dose and type of THC present.

Last but not least, if you’ve noticed that your body is becoming tolerant to marijuana, microdosing can help you start fresh.


How effective is microdosing with cannabis?

If you were to microdose, how much would you take?

It’s impossible to generalize about the optimal dosage. There is no easy solution to this problem. The answer to this question is context-specific and can be affected by variables like:

  • What’s your cannabis-use backstory?
  • Changes in how well cannabinoids like CBD and THC affect your tolerance
  • Metabolic rate
  • Your family tree
  • The potency of the item
  • Product classification

We advise beginning with a small amount of cannabis and gradually increasing it until you reach your desired effect.

Discovering the minimum effective dose is the goal of this procedure. THC doses as low as 1 milligram can be effective for some users.


THC Microdosing

Medical cannabis with a high THC content is often administered via microdosing. This is due to the fact that THC is the cannabinoid most commonly associated with the psychoactive effects of cannabis. However, there may be upsides, such as the ability to alleviate pain. [Source]

Possible therapeutic effects or medical benefits of THC may be experienced by those who use significantly less of the drug than is typically recommended.


Microdosing Cannabidiol

Cannabidiol typically lacks the psychoactive properties of THC. Depending on your perspective, microdosing CBD can help you reap its benefits without succumbing to THC’s drawbacks, or it can allow you to experience the “Entourage Effect” (a.k.a. the synergistic interactions of different cannabis compounds, which may impact the overall effects).

Your experience may vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific CBD product you use. CBD comes in several varieties, some of which do not include THC. Full-spectrum CBD, however, still has trace amounts of THC, so you can try out the Entourage Effect if you so choose. Microdosing full-spectrum CBD allows you to enjoy the benefits of tetrahydrocannabinol while maintaining control over its effects.


Guidelines for Microdosing Cannabis

When considering how to microdose cannabis, there are a number of options to consider. Edibles, tinctures, oils, and concentrates are all viable choices for ingesting cannabis.

Generally speaking, the most effective approaches are those that make it simple to manage and keep track of the dosage of cannabinoids you take at any given time. You can be very precise with your dosing of THC or CBD when using oils and tinctures, for example, and you can adjust your dose over time if necessary.

A few things to keep in mind are as follows.

Just remember: baby steps! There’s good reason we keep harping on this.

Create a journal to record your inner experiences.

  • Follow a regular intake schedule.
  • A low starting dose is recommended for novices.
  • If you are more seasoned and used to taking larger doses, try dividing them up and taking them at different times of the day to start.


The Top Microdosing Marijuana Products

Smoking and applying marijuana topically won’t give you the control over the dosage that you might need. Possible solutions include tinctures, edibles, and others of a similar nature.


Tinctures: Microdosing is most commonly accomplished with tinctures, which are alcohol or oil-based extracts of cannabis. This is because tinctures are so convenient to use; all you need is a dropper to administer the medicine sublingually, and then you can go about your day as usual.


Edibles: You can easily find out how much CBD or THC is contained in an edible by reading the cannabis label, so products like CBD gummies and THC pastilles can be very useful for microdosing. This will give you a benchmark against which to gauge your daily cannabinoid intake.


Vape Cartridges: Microdosing marijuana can be done with a vape pen, which is another option to consider. The “start low, go slow” strategy advises consumers to inhale a small amount first to determine how they react, before gradually increasing the dosage as needed.

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