Sativa Bliss


It is common knowledge that cannabis has sedative properties. When under the influence of cannabis, one’s appetite and desire to sleep for an extended period of time may increase suddenly. This guide will detail our favorite strains for relaxing and falling asleep.

 The intoxicating high of cannabis is appealing to many, despite the fact that some may find the sleepiness it induces to be a drawback. Insomnia sufferers, particularly those with mild cases, should pay close attention to this (or people that consume too much caffeine). Some medical professionals have begun recommending cannabis remedies to their patients whose inability to sleep soundly due to chronic pain or other physical issues.


Cannabidiol and Melatonin: Which One Is Better for Sleep?

Melatonin has been proposed as one of the most effective sleep-inducing aids. To keep your circadian rhythm in check, your body produces a hormone called melatonin. As a result, you’ll find it easier to fall asleep at night and to wake up at the appropriate time in the morning. When flying, many people take melatonin to help them sleep and avoid the effects of jet lag.

Cannabis, ironically, boosts melatonin production, which may suppress the brain’s arousal system. To promote a more natural reproduction of this vital hormone, many people choose to consume cannabis products rather than taking melatonin directly.

Further, many people who have tried melatonin supplements have noted feeling sleepy upon waking. Too high of a dose is usually to blame for this effect. It’s more challenging to find the optimal melatonin dose.

It’s not uncommon for cannabis to have CBD levels in addition to THC. Inflammation in the body is reduced by CBD, which may lead to better sleep. Additionally, THC is a “downer” compound, meaning it slows your heart rate physiologically. Indica-dominant strains, in particular, fall into this category.


Most Relaxing Cannabis Strains

It’s important to know what to look for before we recommend the specific strains to use, but there are many strains you may consider if you hope to sleep more easily.

The search for an indica-dominant strain is crucial. This has been shown to produce less of a mental high while simultaneously calming the body and providing the solitude and calm required for dozing off.

Strains of marijuana known as indicas produce the opposite effects of sativas, which are energizing, uplifting, and sometimes mental. Although there are hybrids that act as a “middle ground,” we advise against using them since indica is the better choice for sleep.


Excellent Recommendations for Strains

Here is our pick of the top cannabis strains to help you nod off. These strains are available for purchase on our website via the provided links.


Cultivated Pine Needle Hashish

Pine Kush, also known as Pine Tar Kush, is a top choice among indicas for us because of the uniqueness of its appearance and the potency of its effects. This strain stands out thanks to its visually striking appearance (thanks, in part, to the orange hairs that surround the flower) and its subtle woodsy citrus flavor. There have been reports of it calming and comforting users, making them feel happy and sleepy. As a result, Pine Kush is now widely recognized as a top-notch nighttime cannabis strain.



Nuken is one of the most popular indica strains for a reason, earning a 4.4-star rating on Leafly, even if the name doesn’t exactly evoke thoughts of chilling out and drifting off to sleep. Nuken, originating in Canada, has a pleasant, woodsy scent reminiscent of herbs, grass, and trees. This strain stands out from the crowd thanks to its rounder and denser busd than most other flowers (helpful in the event that your classification system fails and you need to identify a specific strain).

Again, despite the name, Nuken Strain is widely regarded as one of the most effective strains for relieving stress and nervousness. It’s not hard to see how this could aid people in unwinding and reducing the anxiety that can keep even the best sleepers awake for hours.


Cake for a Wedding

Wedding Cake, also called Triangle Mints, is a popular indica hybrid strain with a high THC content. If you’re having trouble winding down and relaxing at the end of a long, stressful day, a slice of wedding cake may be just what the doctor ordered.

The rich and somewhat tangy flavor of the Wedding Cake Strain is well-known, and the strain isn’t so potent that it would keep you up at night if you smoked it. Falling asleep after enjoying this strain is not an unexpected bonus like it might be after eating a large portion of a real wedding cake (except without the lethargy and bloat).



Pine Tar Kush, Nuken, and Wedding Cake are some of the best marijuana strains for relaxing and falling asleep. Visit our dispensaries in Vancouver and Vernon to purchase high-quality, legally-obtained cannabis that is ideal for relaxing before bed. On our location page, where you can also view our current menus for online cannabis orders, you can see all of our dispensaries.

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