Sativa Bliss

History is a crazy and mysterious field to study and learn as it gives us a glimpse of how the world was before we arrived. Moreover, it has shown that people throughout time have loved the mysteries and supernaturals of the world with people who have access to the mystical energies of the universe are given power.

Examples are seen from royalties, rulers, and religious leaders pioneering the direction of their respective societies. As men are usually the people in these roles and gender is a great factor, most women are driven to find their own source of power – the occult.

No matter how the tales have been passed down to you, there’s no question that fortune tellers, psychics, mediums, and other groups of people practicing the occult are decedents of these female-led traditions, throughout history. As we learn more, we have uncovered that this tradition of mind-bending abilities that women have of the occult is usually related to the powers of cannabis.

Learn more about some of the most famous stories of women who used cannabis for mysticism. Let’s dive in.

700BCE (or Earlier) to 300CE: The Oracle of Delphi

Known for her skill of communicating with the Greek god Apollo, the python slayer, she was given the title the Pythia later on. Other priestesses that are said to be able to channel the voice of Apollo filled the different positions of the oracle at the famous temple of Delphi.

Ancient Greece has a very interesting history, as seen in Oedipus’ tragic fate. It is believed that the Pythia warned him of the same fate of having to take his father’s life and marry his mother.

With the knowledge available to us in the modern-day from ancient historians, we are given an idea of the source of Pythia’s mystical abilities. The most common description or picture painted by ancient historians is the Pythia chewing a sort of herb and inhaling smoke from a plethora of plants all the while she sits over a chasm in a rock. After doing so she would proceed to transfer herself in a trans-like state where she would then give out cryptic messages and prophecies.

Up until today, there are plenty of theories on what exactly she is chewing, inhaling, and if the chasm had effects on the mental status of the Pythia. But one thing is for sure, ancient greek societies are aware of cannabis as they use it for both medical treatment and ritual occasions.

One theory still stands that one of the legendary figures in ancient Greek, the Pythia actually got her mystic-like vibe from consuming cannabis. From a wide variety of edibles (chewing), smokeable (inhaling), and geological vapors from the chasms.

1098-1179: Hildegard Von Bingen

Just as Roman Catholicism was starting to spread throughout European countries back in the 12th century a Hildegard von Bingen started to be recognized by the public. Only a few women are ever able to be remembered in history books and those who managed to really do have something to offer, as seen in von Bingen’s “Green Power.”

Hildegard von Bingen was from Germany and is known to many Germans as a nun-like seer, physician using ancient Arabic medical texts, scholar, and abbess who has access to the mystic arts. Based on the written works that we have discovered, von Bingen often describes her ability as “Green Power,” which is flowing through all creatures of life.

Indigenous Germans have a great understanding of the hemp plant as they use it ritualistically and medically, so von Bingen may have access to this information as well. Hildegard von Bigen, would often describe men as unable to wild the “Green Power” from the cannabis plant as their minds aren’t able to. Later on, the term was adopted for hash in the 1960s.

1412-1431: Joan of Arc

We have heard both great and tragic stories throughout history, but Joan of Arc may be the worst of all. At the early age of thirteen (13), she said that she started to hear voices until one day it all stopped after hearing “the voice of God.” Subsequently, she believed that she needed to help the French prince win the war and get his title as the King of France. So that’s exactly what Joan of Arc did, she led multiple troops into battle.

Now for the sad part. Because of the prejudicial nature of men back in the day, any woman in power is questioned and trialed. During the trial, Joan of Arc was judged guilty for using “witch herbs,” while now the king of France, Charles VII turned his back on her. The use of cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms are still widely used around paganism at the time.

Some people would argue that the voice she’s hearing may be a cause of mental illness while some would say it was because of the herbs. Ultimately, the 19-year-old hero was burned at the stake for wearing men’s clothing. Years went by and another trial was made in her time where she was found innocent and deemed as a hero to the French people.

1831-1891: Madam Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

The 19th century isn’t that much different from older days when it comes to treating women. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was married at an early age. But the will of Madame Blavatsky was too great so she decided to travel the world of mystics around the world. During this time, she visited plenty of “mystical sites” and met different people.

In her adventures, she said that she enjoyed smoking hash with the Universal Mystic Brotherhood of Cairo. After this in 1875, she founded the Theosophical Society, which was focused on the mystics and the paranormal. Madame Blavatsky was open with her smoking habits, especially with hash and cannabis.

Today, the Theosophical Society is still active but denies any use of drugs, unlike their predecessor. Madame Blavatsky would often say that smoking is the time where she gets most of her great ideas and is in the best feeling as if she was afloat in the skies.

Which of these stories interested you the most? Was it the Greek, the German’s Green power, the French’s tragic hero story, or the founder of a movement that is inspiring people up until today? Whatever it may be one thing is for sure. They all had a great time and you could too. Check out Sativa Bliss’ website now to get the best quality cannabis products!

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