Sativa Bliss

Starting a cannabis blog can improve your cannabis profession or hobby in a variety of ways. Being the creator of a top-notch medical marijuana platform might help you position yourself as an expert in your profession. It might be able to assist you in getting your next job in the expanding medical cannabis business. A cannabis blog can help you connect with other cannabis users and establish a supportive community. 


  1. Decide on a topic for your cannabis blog.

You might feel compelled to cover every aspect of cannabis. Do not succumb to this temptation. One of the most important marketing rules is that if you pander to everyone, no one will come. You must find a cannabis specialty in which you are interested. You should be able to pitch your blog in one phrase after identifying your specialty.


  1. Join a Blogging Community

Decide which blogging platform you’d like to join. Tumblr, Squarespace, and WordPress are my three suggestions. I’ll go over the pros and cons of each option.




  1. Signing up is completely free
  2. The Interface is simple to use
  3. There are numerous free templates available.


  1. You can’t use any URL that doesn’t end in “.com.”
  2. To edit the template, you’ll need a lot of HTML and CSS coding experience 
  3. There is no built-in e-commerce capability.



  1. Free, attractive, and professional designs that are simple to edit.
  2. Built-in e-commerce platform.
  3. No need to know how to code; just drag & drop.


  1. You can’t use any URL that doesn’t end in “.com.”
  2. To edit the template, you’ll need a lot of HTML and CSS coding experience
  3. No built-in e-commerce capability.



  1. #1 rated blog host with a wealth of information on how to get started.
  2. More customizable
  3. Quite popular with search engines


  1. To fully customize, skilled coding experience is required.
  2. Many changes are required; may render plug-ins obsolete.
  3. It is prone to security attacks because it is open-source.


  1. Create content for the launch of your blog

You should write at least three blog entries when you first start your blog so they know you’re serious. These three blog entries might be a welcome post, a “about” post, and a “contact” post, respectively. Make it simple for new readers to learn more about your site and encourage them to contact you. I advise you to create a month’s worth of blog entries ahead of time before you begin, just in case life gets in the way of routinely maintaining your blog.


  1. Announce the Launch of Your Cannabis Blog

Don’t just start a blog and expect people to flock to it. Make sure your community is aware that you’re starting a blog by announcing your new writing endeavor on all of your social media accounts, along with a specific day and time for the debut of your cannabis blog. People will be more enthusiastic if they are informed in advance, and they will be more likely to tell their friends.


  1. Launch the Blog

Make sure to announce the opening of your blog on all of your social media accounts and pertinent mailing lists on the big day. It may just take a few seconds to make each news to each of your social media accounts, but doing it for every single blog article you publish becomes monotonous and old.

If you are aspiring to be a cannabis blogger you already know that for you to write the best way you can, you’ll have premium quality cannabis products with you while writing. Check out our website at for more information! Grab yours now.

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