Sativa Bliss

Relaxing Marijuana Use Before Bed

Relaxing Marijuana Use Before Bed

  It is common knowledge that cannabis has sedative properties. When under the influence of cannabis, one’s appetite and desire to sleep for an extended period of time may increase suddenly. This guide will detail our favorite strains for relaxing and falling asleep.  The intoxicating high of cannabis is appealing to many, despite the fact […]

The Ultimate Resource for Cannabis Oil Recipes

The Ultimate Resource for Cannabis Oil Recipes

This is the place to find detailed instructions for using cannabis oil in the kitchen. From the fundamentals to more advanced methods, this post covers it all when it comes to cooking with cannabis oil. There will be some starter recipes provided as well!   What is Cannabis Oil? Oil derived from the cannabis plant […]

Does Cannabis Impair Performance

Does Cannabis Impair Performance

Recent research has debunked the myth that cannabis “hangovers” can impair one’s ability to function the following day. In a new study, researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia found little evidence to support the claim that cannabis “hangovers” can hinder productivity. Twenty previously published studies on the effects of THC beyond eight hours […]

Several Levels of Intoxication

Several Levels of Intoxication

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Which Nations Have the Highest Rates of Marijuana Use?

Which Nations Have the Highest Rates of Marijuana Use?

There are supposedly over 183 million cannabis users worldwide; in which nations is it acceptable to do so? Which nations have the highest per capita cannabis consumption? Which country ranks first, and how legal is marijuana there?   Here Are the Top 10 Countries Where Marijuana Use Is Accepted The negative connotations associated with cannabis […]

The Real Deal on Pot: Can It Cause Paranoia?

The Real Deal on Pot: Can It Cause Paranoia?

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A Complete Guide to Using Cannabis Oil in Your Kitchen

A Complete Guide to Using Cannabis Oil in Your Kitchen

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Ways To Store Edibles For Optimal Safety And Freshness

Ways To Store Edibles For Optimal Safety And Freshness

Part of being a cannabis lover is knowing all the tricks to improve your cannabis lifestyle which includes protecting your cannabis products from going bad and or worse getting eaten by pests or children. Start by reading this article to prevent any of these worst-case scenarios from happening.    No one wants you to buy […]

Ways To Determine When Marijuana Is Ready To Harvest

Ways To Determine When Marijuana Is Ready To Harvest

Waiting to harvest could really feel like forever for most cannabis growers. After a few months of growing your favorite strain or putting in a delicate clone into some soil, almost anyone would be excited to get their hands on those taste buds to enjoy them either on your downtime or with friends.    On […]

Things I Miss About Pre-Pandemic Weed Life

Things I Miss About Pre-Pandemic Weed Life

The culture and community behind the cannabis industry are truly bringing people both friends and strangers together. The question now is, how can a global pandemic change these developed communities’ lives and established traditions. Just how big of a shift is this from being a social activity to a solitary one?    Let’s find out […]

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