Sativa Bliss

Waiting to harvest could really feel like forever for most cannabis growers. After a few months of growing your favorite strain or putting in a delicate clone into some soil, almost anyone would be excited to get their hands on those taste buds to enjoy them either on your downtime or with friends. 


On the other hand, harvesting could be the most satisfying feeling one cannabis grower can have. This is usually because you can finally see the perfect buds as a result of all your hard work. There are plenty of ways to harvest cannabis, it’s not simply cutting, it’s a meticulous process. But before you learn about that you’ll need to know the ways to determine when marijuana or cannabis is ready to harvest. 



How often can you expect to harvest your cannabis, this is the question you need to ask to create a timetable so you can easily identify when to expect your buds to fully be ready for harvesting. Indoor planting really holds a lot of possibilities. You can harvest up to two to four times a year as most plants can be harvested after three to eight months after planting. 


It really depends on the strain and the environment you have. Some expert cannabis growers can even push the limit of four months when using clones and auto-flowering seeds, which cuts down some weeks from the growth cycle. 


On contrary, outdoor cultivation of cannabis can take up to a whole year. The defining factor with outdoor growing is the climate and weather of the environment. Others can even squeeze in a second harvest when the climate permits them to. Another option that some cannabis growers take is to use auto-flowering seeds, the same with indoor growing as it generally pushes the limit to have more than one harvest in a year. 



Know your local climate, especially when planting your cannabis outdoors. This is because cannabis is truly a warm-season type of plant. This is what you need to look for to determine when your plants are ready to harvest, for both indoors and outdoors cannabis. 


The stigma of your cannabis plant is the hair-like strains that cover the buds. You can know that they are ready to be harvested once they turn from white to orange and start to curl. 



What you are looking for trichomes is their color. You will see a change from its clear stage then to opaque and finally, its amber stage which tells you it’s ready to be harvested. To check for this, you’ll need a microscope, a handheld microscope that ranges from 30x to 100x will do the work you need. 


When the trichomes of your plant turn amber you will know that the THC contents of your plants are at their peak. Some gardeners choose to harvest at this time to prevent the THC from transforming into CBN or cannabinol which still holds the same effect minus its psychoactive properties. 


Take note that the top colas of your plant will usually have more mature or ready-to-harvest buds because they are receiving more sunlight. This means most of the time you’ll find yourself harvesting buds that are ripe and some are not quite. Don’t worry because harvesting a few weeks earlier or later wouldn’t cost you the world.


If you are looking to purchase the best cannabis products in the market, then you can go and visit our shop. Here at Sativa Bliss we only have top-quality cannabis products from flowers, pre-rolls, edibles, and more. Check out our website now and grab your stash!

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