Sativa Bliss

Knowledge is power, especially in passing a drug test. The internet is full of “how-to” guides about detoxing and passing drug tests. Results that you can access by a press of a button. However, the majority of this information is probably false or myths.  

Don’t worry because Sativa Bliss will provide you tips and a guide to pass your upcoming drug tests. If you will undergo a drug test, you must know how these tests and detox work for you to pass. We also posted a more extensive guide on weed detoxing, you can go there after reading this article.

Know How Long Weed Stays in Your System

  • Urine Test: 30-45 days (daily consumer)
  • Blood Test: 45-60 days
  • Hair Test: 90-120 days (daily consumer)
  • Saliva Test: 1-7 days (daily consumer)

Factors that Determine How Long THC Stays in Your System

  • Body Mass (BMI)
  • Metabolism
  • Levels of THC in your body

Everyone has different times of THC leaving the body. As it depends on factors such as age, body mass, metabolism, frequency, duration, and the potency of the cannabis consumed. On average, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the traces of THC to be completely gone from the body. Also, THC is stored in fat cells. Basically, if you consume less cannabis and you are physically fit, then the less time the THC exits your body.

Types of Drug Screenings for Weed

There are plenty of tests or screenings done for weed, specifically for tracing THC, the substance that is responsible for the sensation of getting high. These are some of the tests that are done:

  • Urine Test: most common method of drug testing
  • Hair Test: fastest-growing new method of drug testing
  • Blood Test: less common—typically for specialized or sanctioned drug testing
  • Saliva Test: least common—typically for government/roadside drug testing

The most common test done is by urine due to its convenience and is not costly. The hair test is becoming more popular among many organizations as it can detect previous drug use up to months.

Some companies prefer blood testing while saliva tests are usually done on the road. You can always ask which test will be administered so you can be prepared on test day.

Marijuana Drug Tests: How They Work

Simply, drug tests work by locating or finding traces of THC in your fat cells. Which subsequently goes to your bloodstream making it testable by the tests stated above.


The most common urine analysis used is set to detect 50ng/mL (Nanograms per milliliter, the unit of measurement used) or higher THC in your system. If you have at 50 nanograms of THC or more per milliliter of urine, the test will come back as positive.  There are two types of urinalysis, namely, Immunoassay and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The first one is much cheaper than the other however, it sometimes gives a false-positive result. If this occurs, the next method is then used to confirm. Sometimes, the test comes back with diluted results so you must have a retest.

Hair test

This test also uses two types to confirm a positive result. The first test is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the second test is the aforementioned GC/MS. Most hair tests use the first 1.5 inches from your scalp for analysis. The average hair growth on the scalp is 0.5 inches per month so the 1.5 inches taken for analysis will be able to detect THC use for about 90 days. 

However, a hair test is not preferable to detect the recent use of cannabis as it can take a week for THC traces to show up in the hair. Additionally, some medications have been known to produce false positives, so be sure to let the tester know if you are on any prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Blood test

This is the best option to detect recent cannabis use. Even after a second of smoking, THC is already present in the bloodstream. It is important to remember that even taking one puff of cannabis can result in THC being present in your bloodstream ranging from a day to a week. But if you are a heavy consumer, the traces of THC will remain much longer. For about two months after you start abstaining.

Mouth swab test

This type of test is becoming popular as it is convenient and provides accurate results concerning recent use. The downside is it is only good for recent use. Law enforcement uses this type to tell if someone is driving under influence.

Common methods for passing drug tests that work.

  • Natural Cleanse: can take 30-60 days.
  • Detox Kits: can flush THC in 5-10 days.
  • Detox Drinks: can temporarily flush THC the same day for a few hours.
  • Synthetic Urine: can work but is detectable and risky.

Home remedies such as Niacin, Certo, Vinegar are BOGUS and do not work. Using urine from another person will also not work as it is not the same temperature. There are no “quick” fixes as detox takes time. So you must prepare for an upcoming drug test. 

Similar to finding the best information and remedies for detox, it’s also important to get only the best quality cannabis products. To avoid putting your body in potential harm from either improper measurement of substances which can be uncomfortable. Sativa Bliss has a wide array of cannabis products that are properly dosed from edibles, concentrates, and more. Check out our website for more information!

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