Sativa Bliss

Most cannabis enthusiasts may tell you that the best feeling you will have when consuming is the moment when you reach the “I’m too high,” stage. But even the most veteran cannabis lover may tell you that it’s a very uncomfortable and unpleasant experience.

Getting this sensation can happen for plenty of reasons: from trying to impress your friends by huffing it as deep as you can, eating high dosage cannabis edible, or maybe you just have a lower tolerance and tried a potency you haven’t before. No matter what it may be, it’s important to know how to sober up. Now let’s talk about how you can sober up from being high, or too high.

How long does it take to sober up from weed?

Everyone has different times of getting sober after consuming cannabis. It is vital to consider plenty of factors when trying to sober up from cannabis consumption such as one’s tolerance, the dosage, and of course the potency. Obviously, the higher the potency of the cannabis consumed, the longer the state of being high, and it will take longer to get sober from it.

That being said, usually, the duration of being high may last from 30 minutes to 2 hours at its peak. Some effects might still linger but luckily, there is a way in getting sober fast.

Symptoms of being too high.

If you are uncertain that you may have consumed too much and are really high, there are some signs that you can look for.  You may tone down the stuff if you feel:

  •         Anxious
  •         Panicky
  •         Paranoid
  •         Confused
  •         Or Sweating more than usual.

Tips on How to Sober Up Quickly from Weed

  1.     Never Panic

The number one rule on possibly every guidebook out there. Do not panic or try not to do so. You are and everything is just fine. Most symptoms of being too high will fade out within time. About half to a couple of hours. Aside from being groggy, you will not feel other aftereffects.

Lucky for you, there has not been a case of cannabis overdose death in history.

  1.     Consume water and light snacks

Hydration is important, whether you are high or not. Any beverage will do, just make sure it is cold, non-alcoholic, and non-caffeinated.  If you went too aggressive on the weed, alcohol is not the best route you can take since it can increase your THC blood concentration.

Eating light snacks might also help since it will make you feel more grounded.

  1.     Know what your limit is

It is useful to know your body’s tolerance to avoid getting high too much. If you are already high, then ignore this if it will not help you this time but maybe the next session. Avoid being pressured into consuming more since this will just make you uncomfortable later.

Just take it slow, no rush. Consume what you know you can handle.

  1.     Black pepper can be your friend

This household ingredient can help you fight off anxiety or paranoia if you are feeling such. So, keep some nearby or within reach just in case.

  1.     Remain calm and take a breather

Go to your favorite place or find a calm and relaxing place. Just breathe deeply and relax, it will pass within time. Sleeping it off may also be the best solution but it can be difficult if you are not in a calm and quiet environment.

  1.     Walk it off

If you are feeling restless, walking it off and changing the scenery may help you to get your blood pumping. Just keep close to your place. It is probably not the best to get lost while under anxiety or paranoia.

If you are in no condition to take a walk, then just lay down and rest.

  1.     Take a nice shower or bath

If you are home, a nice bath or shower will help you relax and reduce the effects of cannabis. If you are not home, then ignore this. It would be awkward or unpleasant to take a bath in someone else’s house.

  1.     Distraction helps

Go find yourself a distraction, preferably a good one. Do something entertaining or fun to come back to earth. Do things that you like, such as playing video games or listening to your favorite tunes. These things will help you feel more grounded. 

Bonus tips:

o   CBD to help fight the effects of too much weed.

It is an anti-anxiety compound. It is used to counteract THC.

o   Squeeze some lemon juice.

The chemical in the lemon has an anti-anxiety effect.

o   Take some ibuprofen.

Research shows that ibuprofen can also counteract THC.

As a cannabis company, we here at Sativa Bliss care about our consumers. These are only tips that you need to remember that may help you get out of uncomfortable situations. But if symptoms persist, it’s best to get yourself checked.

If you want to get the same effects minus the high, we also have CBD-infused products on our website. Check our online shop for more information!



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