Sativa Bliss

Millennials are fueling the cannabis industry and ushering the social belief attached to them. Most cannabis consumers have yet to be open about their cannabis habits because for many, this discussion is still a taboo. Now, things are changing, thanks to the valiant efforts of millennials. Ever since 2012, plenty of countries have legalized cannabis because of them.

The global cannabis market has seen massive growth with $10.6 billion back in 2018 and is expected to reach almost $100 billion, almost ten times its state in the year 2026. This is because of the difference between millennials and baby boomers (the generation before the millennials). Millennials are the pioneers for drastic social changes because they are more open to new experiences.

Continue reading to learn how millennials are fueling the cannabis industry.

Millenials -Who Are They?

Born from the years 1980 to 2000 millennials are the generation associated with exceptionalism. The population of millennials in the United States is over eighty (80) million. This makes them one of the largest social markets.

In understanding, the reason for the excitement that millennials have towards the cannabis industry is that we need to understand their beliefs, traits, and values. If you’re a millennial, tell us if these fit you completely.

Common Traits of Your Average Millenial

This generation is the generation where most technological advancements started making them tech-savvies. Millennials often choose to opt for newer methods than traditional ways of finding new things, ideas, and trends, such as using social networking platforms. Unlike older generations, millennials are more adaptable and quick-learners as they are in between the generation of pre and post-technology.

Millennials are well-educated professionals who aren’t afraid of new behaviors as they also try to communicate more than any other generation. Free-spirited individuals might be the best description for them as they love to act autonomously and they often question the traditional norms and stereotypes.

Here are some of the ways that millennials have helped the cannabis industry:

  •         50% of all cannabis consumers are from the millennial age group.
  •         76% of all millennials support the complete legalization of cannabis use for all countries.
  •         90% of their population advocates for cannabis as safer than alcoholic drinks.

Why Millennials Enjoy Cannabis

But what are the drivers that push millennials to consume cannabis? Let’s dive more into the minds of millennials. There are no concrete reasons that can be said for everyone from this age group. Knowing the traits and values that millennials have, these are some of the most important reasons that an average millennial may have.

No more hangovers. Most millennials use cannabis for relaxing and taking a break. Previously, older generations prefer boozebBt as millennials are also working professionals, they don’t have time to suffer the day after a fun night of drinking.

Cheaper and better. Millennials are always thinking ahead and what’s best for their future. The vast majority of cannabis products are cheaper than the average price of alcoholic beverages. Getting high is more attainable at a lower price than getting drunk.

Relax, restart, and reconnect. The world for millennials is troublesome and needs a lot of fixing. Using cannabis products, millennials can find time to relax, restart from all the issues, and reconnect with themselves. Some even say that it helps with their mental health.

Health-conscious. “Health is wealth” is one of the main priorities of millennials. They love to do a lot of things and they can’t do it if they are not at their peak. Because cannabis is a natural substance it is often non-toxic, especially innovative consumptions such as cannabis edibles, concentrates, oils, and others. Plus, cannabis products are usually containing little to zero calories.

Focus on more pressing issues. The majority of millennials want to solve social issues that were caused by the previous generation. By advocating for the easier legalization and acceptance of cannabis consumption they believe that society can look at more pressing problems and crimes.

Investment. Millennials are achievers and are often opportunists. In life millennials are practical and they plan. They see the cannabis industry as a great investment as it has yet reached all of its markets.

As a cannabis company, we at Sativa Bliss, are thankful for every one of you! Because of that, millennials or not, we are here to serve you with a wide array and best quality cannabis products. Visit for more information!


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